Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Black & White Thinspo and ABC Update

Day 2 of the ABC and I am doing great so far. =)

Woke up super late (as always lol) around 1:30. I really need to get my schedule on a more normal time. *sighs* Had a large cup of coffee to help soothe hunger pains and I've been fine since then. The coffee mate I use has about 10 cals per teaspoon, coffee I believe is 0 cals so I've only had about 20 to 30 cals today so far =) My current weight is 181.6 so I have lost since yesterday. It was 181.2 this morning so I have gained water weight since waking up. In the last 3 days, I have only lost 4.2 lbs which is much slower progress than I want. I am used to loosing atleast 2 lbs a day, sometimes 3 and up to 5!! So this pound a day shit is frustrating to me. But, I have to remind myself that atleast I am loosing. Even if I loose only 1 lb a day, in 30 days that would mean that I would weigh 155 (by April 10th), down from my starting weight of 185. Sounds great to me but I still have a longgg way to go until I hit my UGW of 115.

12:21 am

Coffee - 30 cals
Sugar Free Gum - 5 cals
Lite Progresso - 120 cals
Cottage Doubles - 100 cals

Total - 255 cals

   Black & White Love 


  1. great thinspo! nice day yesterday! how are you doing so far today?

  2. i'm actually doing ok today. i wake super late because my shedule is so messed up. so as of now, 5 pm, i've only had a large cup of coffee lol. how are you doing today? i am lovin this abc diet! i've lost 5.8 lbs and i know that everyday i stick to the plan, i will loose more =) i am so excited! lol. congrats on the 4.6 lbs! that is amazing! when i was down in the 130's, i had a much harder time loosing than now that im up at a higher weight. you are doing great! =}

  3. thank you so much! i did really well today. ate 400 cals on the dot, worked out, and i was hungry just now so i grabbed a diet ginger ale and sat my ass in front of the computer. this is like a game to me lol. i cant wait to weigh myself in the morning. :)
