Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 3 Fast

It amazes me how easy it is for me not to eat. I still have not had anything since Saturday. Just green tea with splenda and some coffee in the mornings. I felt like shit yesterday and I thought it was because I haven't eaten but when I woke up this morning I had a sore throat so now I know why I felt so horrible; I was getting sick =/ I need to go get antibiotics and some more diurex. Also, I got my period lastnight so I am getting a double dose of feel like crap.

This blog gets views but no one comments. Boo! Comments make me smile! =) Is the Ed community dead or what? Comment me!! I love meeting other ladies like myself! =)

Thinspiration by PrettyThin

Monday, April 22, 2013


Been doing well, extremely well actually, the past few days. I have been eating no more than 400 cals a day and I haven't eaten anything since Saturday night. I have been literally living on green tea lol. I am stuck at like 169.8 and I am trying my HARDEST to make a clean break into the 160's. God that number is so high. I have lost 20 lbs and you can most definitely see the difference in my face, arms, thighs, butt and especially my tummy area. Hip bones and rib bones are slowly starting to become more and more prominent. I have such a long way to go but once I get down to like 160 I will much more happy. I feel better. I dropped 2 pant sizes and my old work clothes (mediums) now fit again. My confidence is making a comeback and I am not constantly tugging at my clothes. Progress, progress, progress...that is all I want. Even though my weight has not really changed the past few days, I can still see some major changes in my body. o.O  I hope when I weigh myself tomorrow morning that I am atleast down to like 166. *crosses fingers*


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

AMAZING!!! Down 20 in 9 Days!!!!

It's official! I am 20 lbs less than I was just 9 days ago!!!!!
*Happy Snoopy Dance*

I don't even know how this is humanly possible
but hey I'll take what I can get!!!!!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Loosing is Winning

Any day that I can see rib and hip bones is a good day!

The past several days have gone, to my surprise, rather well. I have been existing on salads, carrots, black grapes and spicy ranch dressing. I have now officially dropped 16 lbs and people are already commenting that I "look thinner". And Winning! Reactions and comments like that make all the hunger and pain worth every second. This is why I do this, because I know it works and it works well. I really wish that I would have taken before pics and measurements to compare to during and after. Yesterday at work I got asked for my number AND then by another guy out on a date!! The date guy has been coming in to my job for months now and I could tell it was leading up to this. I'd lie if I say I wasn't flattered. But I didn't go because I am loyal to my boyfriend, almost to a fault.

Today has been great as far as food goes. I have only had one 100 calorie cottage cheese and fruit pack. And that ladies is it! =) I am getting a tad hungry at this moment but I think I will be fine. I slept so much today and now it's almost 3:00am and I am wide awake. I have work tomorrow from
2-10 pm.


Any day that I can see rib and hip bones is a good day!

The past several days have gone, to my surprise, rather well. I have been existing on salads, carrots, black grapes and spicy ranch dressing. I have now officially dropped 16 lbs and people are already commenting that I "look thinner". And Winning! Reactions and comments like that make all the hunger and pain worth every second. This is why I do this, because I know it works and it works well. I really wish that I would have taken before pics and measurements to compare to during and after. Yesterday at work I got asked for my number AND then by another guy out on a date!! The date guy has been coming in to my job for months now and I could tell it was leading up to this. I'd lie if I say I wasn't flattered. But I didn't go because I am loyal to my boyfriend, almost to a fault.

Today has been great as far as food goes. I have only had one 100 calorie cottage cheese and fruit pack. And that ladies is it! =) I am getting a tad hungry at this moment but I think I will be fine. I slept so much today and now it's almost 3:00am and I am wide awake. I have work tomorrow from
2-10 pm.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Yesterday was ok. Around 2:00 pm I ate a small garden salad with ranch and a fiber one bar. Went grocery shopping and spent like $115 on progresso soups, pre packaged salad bowls for work, LOTS of veggies, chobani, diuretics and iron pills because I have a pretty severe case of iron deficient anemia. I ate another salad with southwest dressing around 11:00 that I shared with my boyfriend Greg. Calorie intake was probably somewhere around 600 to 800 which isn't too bad, nothing spectacular but nothing terrible either. Just got home from the clinic, I am now down to 24 mgs from 130 mgs. During the week I only take around 20mgs though except for when I have to go dose, like today. Methadone is a major contributor to my weight gain. Every chick at the clinic walks in all skinny in the beginning and 6 months later you see them and they've put on about 30lbs! I am hoping that when I am completely dosed off that I will start losing more weight. Hopefully.

Now I am sitting here drinking my coffee and slowly eating a chobani (130).  I am going to play Rift, yes I am total gamer dork =P lol and then around 1:00pm start getting ready for work. I am bringing one of my pre-made southwest/sante fe salads to works and maybe another chobani. I am only bringing money for cigs so even if I wanted to buy food, I can't. =)

Hope all of you have a good day.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Back to the Basics

It's been a little over a year since I have posted in this blog. Little has changed. I am a walking contradiction that is EDNOS. The past year has been spent overeating, bingeing, purging, starving. My weight has fluctuated a good 20 lbs the past year, up then down and up again. It seems that I am every eating disorder wrapped into one fat, miserable body, unsure of who I am but certain of what I want to be. I find odd how I am always called back to this. This blog, this lifestyle, this illness that is Her. It's something always in the back of mind, something omnipresent, omnipotent and inescapable.

I need to go to the grocery store later and restock my supplies

Diet Coke
Green Tea
Fat Free Ranch
Fat Free Ranch Dip
Sea Salt

And lets be real here, I know one of these times I will binge and purge. It's just what I do. I don't want to plan a bp but I want to know some foods that come up easily? If and when I do, I want the easiest foods to come up so I know I can get it all out.

So far today I have had a garden salad with ranch. I have already lost close to 10 lbs this week. And I haven't even been working out. I wonder why I can loose AND gain so much within such a short time span?? I am also trying not to weigh myself everyday. Ideally, I would like to weigh myself just once per week but I have been doing it every other day.