Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Introduction Of Sorts

An Introduction of Sorts

My name is Amanda, I'll be 23 in December and I have been dealing with ED's since I was 8 years old. I am EDNOS because I do not fit the criteria for one specific label and have struggled with not one but many forms of ED's in my life. Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder and Anorexia to be exact. BED is my biggest and most disgusting downfall. I learned at a very young age from my Mother the joys of comfort food and have picked up her terrible eating habits 10 fold. My weight has fluctuated extremely all my life from 200 lbs down to 125 and back up.  Anorexia and Bulimia found me at a time in my life when it seemed I needed them most. They transformed me.  Through the years my weight has had its highs and lows but after getting with my fiance in 2007 I began to gain more weight than I even knew. Currently, I am probably at my heaviest although I cant say for sure since I have not beem able to bring myself to step on the scale. But by sight of my body, how my clothing is fitting (or rather not fitting) I can imagine that it is pretty high.
Recently I have started a waitressing job after a period of not working for over 3 years. In those 3 years I have put on alot of weight from not working, eating way too much and getting absolutley no exercise. I figured once I started working that the weight would start to fall off however I'm not getting the hours I was promised upon hire so I think that I will soon be looking for another part time job. Not only am I looking to be more active but I also need the money but that is something I'm sure I will get into later lol =)

I  want to try to start eating healthier and restricting my intake. I also get my license November 22 so then I will be able to join the gym. I cant wait!! I will try to blog everyday with my daily intake, weight and just on my day in general. So I guess this is going to be a weightloss blog however, I will also talk about my life and my days in general  =)

I am making changes in my life. I am setting goals and working for them. I have had ENOUGH of feeling this way about myself!! I know I have a long way to go but I have done this before! When I was 15, I weighed 180 lbs and that was when Ana first found me. I lost over 60lbs in under 6 months! So I KNOW that this is possible. I just need to remember 3 words ~ Determination, Control and Perserverance ♥

Amanda Tory Suicide


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